This is the schedule for this year's HIGH SCHOOL STRINGS concert and sightreading evaluation.
Letter from our host contest site. Information will include contest information pertaining to the location, general information, spectator information, stadium information, and more.
All concert bands will need to provide a setup chart for each of their evaluating bands. The setup chart must be emailed to the contest host.
All concert bands will need to provide an instrumentation for the sightreading room. This will ensure that all players have the correct part when they enter the room. The instrumtation chart must be emailed to the contest host.
All concert bands will need to provide an announcer script for the contest host to correctly announce your group on stage. Please make sure that the program order you choose is correct, as judges will hear the order of the pieces called for confirmation before the performance.
Sam harrisExecutive Secretary, UIL Region 33
Email: [email protected] |